I look at my devils ... and i smile ... … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Yes ...

I have ... many devils.

And ... i treat them ... as pets.

... most of the times.

Before ... i was afraid of them.

... but not anymore.

Many of my friends ... spend their time with dogs ... and cats.

Unfortunately ... i don't like animals.

I only adore ... wild animals.

And ... truth be told ... i like the company of all my inner devils.

I speak with them.

.... with detachment.

Always repeating that i will respect all of them .... but somehow ... i don't accept anymore ... domination.

... cause i hate it.

So ... i look inside of my soul ... realising the connection i have with all those ... "pets".

And ... yes ... i smile.

Many can't accept ... such a theory.


Refuse it ... in fact.

But ... the truth is that the inner devils are ... real.

... for any of us.

You see ... into the process of self-therapy .... I've accepted all that.

... considering it as a true fact about life.

Many ... would say ... is wrong.

But i don't agree.

I don't want anymore to... refuse the obvious... defining my soul ...





Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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